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The signing and opening ceremony of beiai Industri

时间:2021-11-24 15:14:00 点击:1840 次 来源:河南亚临界机械装备有限公司
On June 24th,the signing and opening ceremony of Beiai Industrial Institute was held in Anyang Institute of Technology.Qi Kun,chairman of our institute and special expert of The State Council,Li Zhixiang,general manager and Bi Xianfeng,deputy general manager of Tangyin Aiqiqi Biotechnology Co.,LTD.,a member of our company group,were invited to attend the signing ceremony.Anyang Institute of Technology president Jing Guoxun speech,Anyang Institute of Technology secretary Ren Zhongpu and Tangyin County Party secretary Song Qinglin for the opening of the North Ai Industrial Institute.

Photo 1:Chairman Qi Kun speaks at the opening ceremony

Picture 2:Chairman Qi Kun shakes hands with Guo Qiuping,vice president of Anyang Institute of Technology